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Audite Records
Disc No: 92.510
Price: Sek. 170 (SACD) Outside France, Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921) is still perceived as a composer of charming show-pieces and grandiose orchestral works such as the “Organ Symphony”. However, the oeuvre of this universal French musician and cosmopolitan of such broad interests reveals many other fascinating sides. From grand opera, through film music, to the “Zoological Fantasy” (as he subtitled his Carnival of the Animals) he examined every genre.
Name: Saens-Saens
Piano Concerto Vol.2

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ComposerOpusMusicKey Performer
Saint-Saens, Camille Op.29 Piano Concerto No.3 E flat major WDR Symphony Orchestra Cologne - Thomas Sanderling
Anna Malikova, piano
Saint-Saens, Camille Op.103 Piano Concerto No.5 F major

Toccata, April 2005 Webmaster