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Avie Records      
Disc No: AV 0013
Price: Sek. 155 Luiza Borac has won more than a dozen prizes, including top prize at the Oslo International Piano Competition in 2002, and the 1991 International Festival and Competition in Bucharest. In 2001, she received a grant from the German Ministry of Culture to pursue her studies of Enescu’s music. She has been surrounded by Enescu’s sound world all her life, growing up listening to his own recordings and studying with musicians who had direct links to the composer. Her explorations of Enescu’s manuscript scores, documentary films and personal letters have sealed her interpretations with an absolute authority.
Name: Luiza Borac:
 Enesco Piano Suites

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ComposerOpusMusicKey Performer
Enescu, George Op.3 Suite No.1 G minor Luiza Borac, piano
Enescu, George Op.10 Suite No.2 D major
Enescu, George Op.18 Suite No.3 'Pièces Impromptues'  

Toccata, September 2004 Webmaster