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Avie Records      
Disc No: AV 0017
Price: Sek. 155 This release inaugurated a new association between Avie, the WDR Sinfonieorchester Köln and their Music Director Semyon Bychkov. This studio recording follows over 40 performances of these two seminal Strauss works by Bychkov and the Orchestra, over which time they have developed a definitive collective conviction with which to tell the story of this music.
Name: Strauss - Ein Heldenleben


ComposerOpusMusicKey Performer
Strauss, Richard Op.40 Ein Heldenleben (a Hero's life)   WDR Sinfonieorchester Köln - Semyon Bychkov
Kyoko Shikata, violin
Strauss, Richard   Metamorphosen   WDR Sinfonieorchester Köln - Semyon Bychkov

Toccata, June 2004 Webmaster