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Avie Records  
Disc No: AV 2115
Price: Sek. 155 Andrew Maginley cuts a striking figure in the placid world of lute playing. He towers well over six feet, even without his height-enhancing cowboy boots. Often leather-clad, his curly black locks loosely frame a complexion that conveys his Afro-Caribbean, Celtic and Native American ancestry, his probing dark eyes deep in thought. An imposing presence to be sure, but beneath is a gentle giant. With a lute in his generous hands, Andrew is a soulful, intensely communicative and intelligent artist, a natural at his chosen discipline in the intricate and refined world of 17th- and 18th-century Europe.
Name: The Baroque Lute
  Bach, Weiss, Falckenhagen


ComposerOpusMusicKey Performer
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685–1750) BWV1007 Cello Suite No. 1   Andrew Maginley, lute
Weiss, Sylvius Leopold (1687 – 1750)   Sonata No. 36 D minor
Falckenhagen, Adam (1697 – 1754)   Sonata No. 5 F Major

Toccata, February 2007 Webmaster