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Avie Records  
Disc No: AV 2120
Price: Sek. 155 Jenkins is a very significant figure in the history of music in Britain if not in Europe as he is a long-lived link between Byrd and Tallis and Purcell. When he was born Byrd was about fifty. When he died Purcell, by then about twenty, had written his viol fantasies and In Nomines and possibly some of his well-known church music. Jenkins may well have spent much of his early life in the employ of the Countess of Warwick around the London area where he will have come into contact with the leading composers of his day.
Name: Jenkins - Five Part Consorts


ComposerOpusMusicKey Performer
Jenkins, John   Five Part Consorts   Phantasm (Laurence Dreyfus, treble viol and director
Wendy Gillespie, treble viol
Jonathan Manson, tenor viol
Markku Luolajan-Mikkola, bass viol
Mikko Perkola, bass viol)

Toccata, February 2008 Webmaster