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Avie Records  
Disc No: AV 2138
Price: Sek. 155 Mozart recordings may abound, but there will always be room and demand for a first-class disc of his music such as this one. Marcia Hadjimarkos originally hailed from the USA, but now makes her home in France. Known as a specialist performer on historical keyboard instruments, she plays a superb 1992 copy by Christopher Clarke of a 1793 fortepiano originally made by Sebastian Lengerer in Kufstein, Tyrol, itself inspired by the pioneering builders, Stein of Augsburg.
Name: Mozart - Fortepiano
 Sonatas and Rondos


ComposerOpusMusicKey Performer
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756 – 1791) Kv.457 Sonata   Marcia Hadjimarkos, fortepiano
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Kv.494 Rondo  
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Kv.545 Sonata  
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Kv.485 Rondo  
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Kv.333 (315c) Sonata  
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Kv.511 Rondo A minor

Toccata, February 2008 Webmaster