Styleme, term used by historians of Byzantine painting for borrowed stylistic Elements incorporated in a work of art. The music of the 1300s is attractive for the inventiveness and often exquisite complexity of its melodies. It is a marked departure from the style of the previous 150 years, which were dominated by the French school. One of its remarkable advances was measured notation, a recent invention. To the world of music this was akin to the invention of the wheel: it offers a freedom whose full potential has yet to be exploited.
Disc No:CC 72194
Price: Sek. 145
Name: Brahms
  violin sonatas 1-2-3

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Brahms, Johannes Sonata for Violin and Piano no 1
Op.78     G major
Natalia Grigorieva, Fortepiano
Ilja Karol, Violin
Brahms, Johannes Sonata for Viola and Piano no 2
Op.120 no 2     E flat major
Brahms, Johannes Sonata for Violin and Piano no 3
Op.108     D minor

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