Spanish and Portuguese organs are celebrated for their excellent trumpets (en chamade), but their splendid flutes, prestants, cornets and reeds are less widely known. Their characteristic tone-colors, so different from that of the North German organ, is as inspirational as it is necessary for performing the Iberian repertoire. This is particularly true with regard to the batalha genre. From the second half of the 17th century, organists in Spain and Portugal delighted in recreating the sounds of the battlefield on their instruments.
Disc No:CC 72320
Price: Sek. 145
Name: Batalha
 Iberian Organ Music

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Braga, Antonio Correa Batalha de 6e tom
Ton Koopman, organ at Church of Saint Lambert in Woluwé-Saint-Lambert (Belgium)
Bruna, Pablo Tiento sobre la letania de la virgen
Carreira, Antonio Cancao a quatro glosada
Cabanilles, Joan Teinto lleno 2e tono
Cabanilles, Joan Corrente Italiana
Anon Batalha famoza
Coelho, Manuel Rodrigues Susanas: no.1, or tentos upon Suzanne un jour
Cabanilles, Joan Obra de 8e tom de dous tiples
Seixas, Carlos Sonata do maior
Anon Ligaduras de 3e tono - para la elevación
Arauxo, Francisco Correa de Todo el mundo en general
Araujo, Pedro de Consonâncias de 1e tom
Coutinho, Luis Obra de 1e tom
Araujo, Pedro de Batalha famosa

Toccata, December 2009 Webmaster