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Disc No: COR 16018
Price: Sek. 160 This is the third volume to be released on CORO in the distinguished & collectable Eton Choirbook series.

Miraculously, the Eton Choirbook survived Henry VIII’s ransacking of the monasteries. Thanks to its survival, the sacred music of the English fifteenth-century is still with us, conjuring up the atmosphere and spirit of the glorious cathedrals for which it was written. It also gives a tantalising glimpse of a wealth of choral music which was lost.
Name: The Flower of
 all Virginity

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Composer Music Performer
Kellyk, Hugh Gaude Flore Virginali
The Sixteen - Harry Chrstophers
  Anon Ah, my dear, ah, my dear Son!
Nesbett,John Magnificat
Fayrfax, Robert Most clear of colour
Browne, John Salve Regina
  Anon Afraid, alas, and why so suddenly?
Browne, John O Maria Salvatoris Mater

Toccata, November 2004 Webmaster