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Disc No: COR 16022
Price: Sek. 160 This is the fourth in the distinguished and collectable Eton Choirbook series to be released on the Coro label. The final volume (The Rose and the Ostrich feather) will be released in November of this year.
A miraculous survivor of the destruction of the Reformation, the Eton Choirbook conveys to us the faith of an age when the Virgin Mary was regarded as the great link between mankind and God. In Eton, founded as ‘the College Roiall of Our Ladie’ this music was an essential part of elaborate daily ritual to honour her majesty and mercy.
Name: The Pillars
  of Eternity

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Composer Music Performer
Davy, Richard O Domine caeli terraeque creator
The Sixteen - Harry Christophers
Cornysh, William Ave Maria, mater Dei
Davy, Richard Ah, mine heart, remember thee well
Lambe, Walter Stella caeli
Davy, Richard Ah, blessed Jesu, how fortuned this?
Wylkynson, Robert Jesus autem transiens/ Credo in Deum
Wylkynson, Robert Salve Regina

Toccata, November 2004 Webmaster