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Disc No: COR 16024
Price: Sek. 160 Love’s Goddess Sure was Blind, written in exuberant and florid style for the birthday of the much loved young Queen Mary ends, extraordinarily, with a reflection on the grief her eventual death would provoke. It was less than six years later that the prophesied mourning became a reality, when, in her early thirties, she succumbed to smallpox.
Purcell’s eloquent compositions for her funeral are acknowledged as some of his most powerful masterpieces marrying a genuine of expression of grief (Purcell greatly admired the witty, musical Mary) with a characteristic sophistication of style.
Name: Love's Goddess
 Sure was Blind

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Composer Music Performer
Purcell, Henry The Complete Funeral Music for Queen Mary
The Sixteen - Harry Christophers
The Symphony of Harmony and Invention
Purcell, Henry Two Latin Motets
Purcell, Henry Jehova quam multi sunt hostes, Miserere mei
Purcell, Henry Three Funeral Sentences
Purcell, Henry Two Elegies on the Death of Queen Mary
Purcell, Henry O Dive Custos
Purcell, Henry Incassum, Lesbia
Purcell, Henry Love's goddess sure was blind this day

Toccata, November 2004 Webmaster