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Disc No: COR 16044
Price: Sek. 260 (2CD) Bach’s Mass in B minor displays all the ingredients that that contribute his supreme ranking amongst his peers of any age, and also demonstrates the breadth of compositional skills amassed during his lifetime. It demands choral singing of blistering athleticism but also sensitive, responsive and, at times, majestic orchestral playing coupled with virtuosic obligatos along with a team of soloists who can breathe an immediacy of expression into the words of the mass. All these elements are well to the fore in this magnificent recording.
Chorus: Osanna

Name: Bach's Mass in B

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Composer Music Performer
Bach, Johann Sebastian Chorus: Kyrie eleison
Catherine Dubosc
Catherine Denley
James Bowman
John Mark Ainsley
Michael George
The Symphony of Harmony and Invention - Harry Christophers
Bach, Johann Sebastian Duet: Christe eleison
Bach, Johann Sebastian Chorus: Kyrie eleison
Bach, Johann Sebastian Chorus: Gloria in excelsis Deo
Bach, Johann Sebastian Chorus: Et in terra pax
Bach, Johann Sebastian Air: Laudamus te
Bach, Johann Sebastian Chorus: Gratias agimus
Bach, Johann Sebastian Duet: Domine Deus
Bach, Johann Sebastian Chorus: Qui tollis
Bach, Johann Sebastian Air: Qui sedes
Bach, Johann Sebastian Air: Quoniam tu solus Sanctus
Bach, Johann Sebastian Chorus: Cum Sancto Spiritu
Bach, Johann Sebastian Total Playing Time 51.28
Bach, Johann Sebastian Chorus: Credo in unum Deo
Bach, Johann Sebastian Chorus: Patrem omnipotentem
Bach, Johann Sebastian Duet: Et in unum Dominum
Bach, Johann Sebastian Chorus: Et incarnatus est
Bach, Johann Sebastian Chorus: Crucifixus
Bach, Johann Sebastian Chorus: Et resurrexit
Bach, Johann Sebastian Air: Et in Spiritum Sanctum
Bach, Johann Sebastian Chorus: Confiteor unum baptisma
Bach, Johann Sebastian Chorus: Et expecto
Bach, Johann Sebastian Chorus: Sanctus
Bach, Johann Sebastian Chorus: Osanna
Bach, Johann Sebastian Air: Benedictus 24
Bach, Johann Sebastian Chorus: Osanna
Bach, Johann Sebastian Air: Agnus Dei 6
Bach, Johann Sebastian Chorus: Dona nobis pacem

Toccata, September 2006 Webmaster