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Disc No: COR 16077
Price: Sek. 160 Full of virtuosity, vibrant colour and dynamic energy, Handel’s Dixit Dominus captures absolutely the Italian style of the period. Handel’s control of forces is masterly and the range of texture and style is breathtaking. Written during the composer’s time in Italy in the early eighteenth century it is amongst his first autographed works and also one of his finest.
Byrd:Haec dies

Name: Ceremony
 and Devotion

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Composer Music Performer
  Plainchant Veni, Creator Spiritus
The Sixteen - Harry Christophers
Byrd, William Laudibus in sanctis
Sheppard, John Sacris solemniis iuncta sint gaudia
Tallis, Thomas Jesu Salvator saeculi, Verbum Patris
Sheppard, John Media vita in morte sumus
Tallis, Thomas Miserere nostri
Byrd, William Domine, praestolamur
Tallis, Thomas Iam Christus astra ascenderat
Byrd, William Haec dies
Byrd, William Infelix ego

Toccata, October 2010 Webmaster