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Disc No: COR 16081
Price: Sek. 160 The seventeenth century devotional songs on this disc were written against a backdrop of furious historical dramas and lurching tides of fortune. The songs chosen reflect these assorted times and contexts, and are accordingly diverse. Ravish’d with Sacred Extasies (a quote taken directly from Playford's ‘Harmonia Sacrae’) explores some of the most beautiful Elizabethan devotional songs ranging from the doctrinally eloquent to the theologically unsteady, from the spare and the restrained to the opulent and the overblown, from Dowland’s small cluster of late devotional songs to Purcell’s flowery and luscious settings.
Purcell: A Divine Hymn

Name: Sacred Extasies

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Composer Music Performer
Purcell, Henry A Morning Hymn (Thou wakefull Shepherd)
Elin Manahan Thomas, soprano
David Miller, lute & theorbo
Purcell, Henry How Long Great God?
Purcell, Henry Preludium
Campian Never weather-beaten Saile
Campian Author of Light
Wilson Prelude 18
Humfrey, Pelham (1647-1674) Sleep downy sleep, come close mine eyes
Humfrey, Pelham A Hymne to God the Father
Lawrence Lute Suite
Purcell, Henry The Blessed Virgin's Expostulation
Dowland, John (1563-1626) Trilogy: Thou mighty God. 1. part
Dowland, John When Davids life by Saul. 2. part
Dowland, John When the poore Criple. 3. part
Dowland, John Galliard to Lachrimae
Dowland, John Where Sinne sore wounding
Purcell, Henry A Devine Hymn (Lord, what is Man)
  Anon Miserere, my Maker
Dowland, John In this trembling shadow
Dowland, John If that a Sinners sighes be Angels foode
Purcell, Henry Sleep, Adam, Sleep, and take thy rest
Purcell, Henry An Evening Hymn (Now that the Sun hath veil’d his Light)

Toccata, October 2010 Webmaster