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Disc No: CYP1631 Three great names of the organ: Widor, the founder of the french symphonic organ and his two most briliant works; Vandenheuvel, pathfinder of a new era of organ making as show his creations in St-Eustache (Paris) or Genève (Victoria Hall); and Kristiaan Seynhave, a multi-awarded young Flemish virtuoso who impulses extraodinary vitality in his playing. The whole gives a full hour of pure pleasure, with glamorous sound.
Price: Sek. 160
Name: Charles-Marie Widor
 Symphonies 5 & 6

Widor, Charles-Marie (1844-1937) 5th symphony for organ
Kristiaan Seynhave, organ
Widor, Charles-Marie 6th symphony for organ

Toccata, January 2004 Webmaster