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Disc No: CYP4627 One day, in my teenage years, I became fascinated by a Japanese print portraying a female musician playing the shamisen**, a fragile, diaphanous woman, the signs reduced to the essentials, the curves vibrating intensely in the surrounding space. It was an ęsthetic shock, though I could not really understand the origin of the intense beauty emanating from the print. From that instant I was convinced that a part of the artistic mystery was inscribed in a more or less distant Orient. The discovery, later on, of Indian art and its proliferation in South-East Asia, was to confirm this idea. How many hours, how many entire days I spent thereafter reading works on these far-flung cultures, dreaming of imaginary melismas, of unknown perfumes in sound and other delicate tremors occasioned by this incessant travelling between voluptuousness and spirituality. In 1992 it became clear I had to abandon my books and recordings in order to go to these places to check things out.
Price: Sek. 160
Name: Claude Ledoux - d'Orients

Ledoux, Claude (°1960) Bell(e)...s (piano and chamber orchestra)
Ensemble Musiques nouvelles - Jean Thorel / Patrick Davin
Jean-Paul Dessy, Cello
Nao Momitani, Piano
Berten d'Holland, lute
Ledoux, Claude Les ruptures d'icare l (string quartet)

Toccata, February 2009 Webmaster