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Disc No: CYP5601 Born in the USA in 1935, Terry Riley, along with Steve Reich, Philip Glass and LaMonte Young, belongs to the pioneering generation of composers of minimalist and repetitive music. In C, written in 1964, is a kind of manifesto: consisting solely of 53 small cells (the score fits on a single page), this open work, which affords the performers considerable freedom as regards instrumentation and duration, is an open invitation to construct a long polyrhythmical tapestry in constant transformation, with swing vying with contemplation. Ictus offers a contemporary reading of a work that could be called the Ligeti-Remix; emphasis is placed on the fusion of tone-colours and the dramatic impact of the textures. Settled since 1994 in Brussels, Ictus is a contemporary music ensemble whose repertory covers a very broad stylistic range. This leading ensemble in Belgian musical life has an ever greater role on the international scene and regularly performs in the most important contemporary music festivals.
Price: Sek. 160
Name: Terry Riley

Riley, Terry In C
Blindman Kvartet

Toccata, January 2004 Webmaster