Disc No: 8.224044-45 The German born composer Friederich Kuhlau is one of the main figures in early Danish Romaticism. Kuhlau's particular importance lies in the international impulses he brought to Danish music. His cosmopolitan though by no means impersonal style reflects the influence of Mozart and Beethoven.
Price: Sek. 296
Name: Kuhlau - Piano Quartets

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ComposerOpusMusicKey Performer
Kuhlau, Friedrich Op.32 Piano Quartet C minor Elisabeth Westenholz, piano
Lars Grunth, viola
Tutter Givskov, violin
Asger Lund Christiansen
Kuhlau, Friedrich Op.50 Piano Quartet A major
Kuhlau, Friedrich Op.108 Piano Quartet G minor
Kuhlau, Friedrich Op.33 Sonata for Violin and Piano F minor

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