Disc No: 8.224053 The German born composer Friedrich Kuhlau is one of the main figures in early Danish Romaticism. Several of his works for the theatre, not least the music for the play Elverhøj which was composed for a royal wedding celebration, secured him a prominent position in musical life and influenced the later development of Danish music. Since its premiere in 1828 Elverhøj has been performed almost a thousand times at the Royal Danish Theatre alone.
Price: Sek. 148
Name: Kuhlau - Elverhøj

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ComposerOpusMusicKey Performer
Kuhlau, Friedrich   Music for the play "Elverhøj" (The Elf Mound)   Danish National Symphony Orchestra - John Frandsen
Bodil Gøbel
Mogens Schmidt Johansen
Gurli Plesner

Toccata, May 2002 Webmaster