Disc No: 8.224205 Herman D. Koppel (1908-1998), with a direct link with Carl Nielsen, was one of the greatest Danish musical personalities of the twentieth century. Hard-working as a composer, pianist and teacher, and patriarch of a music dynasty that has become a Danish counterpart of the Bach family. His works are influenced by the Neo-Classicism of the inter-war years and models like Bartók and Stravinsky who combine a rigorous intellect with impulsive rhythms and jagged edges. Sometimes there is a touch of jazz, which was a great preoccupation of Koppel's in the 1930s. His compositions include seven symphonies, four piano concertos, one cello concerto, an opera based on Shakespeare's Macbeth, chamber music, piano music and songs.
Price: Sek. 148
Name: Koppel - Orchestral
 Works Vol. 2

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ComposerOpusMusicKey Performer
Koppel, Herman D Op.5 Symphony No.1   Aalborg Symphony Orchestra - Moshe Atzmon
Koppel, Herman D Op.37 Symphony No.2  

Toccata, Dec 2002 Webmaster