Start /CD-lables /Danacord
Disc No: DACOCD 308 Lauritz Melchior was the most famous Wagner tenor ever, ­ and he was Danish and proud of it. What more natural than a Danish record company paying tribute to this great son of the country. Danacord has collected all the European recordings from the very first acoustical records to the famous Walküre and Siegfried recordings done in Vienna just before the Second World War. All these recordings made Lauritz Melchior famous and they have never since been surpassed. He recorded nearly all the great arias from the Wagner operas, but also his duets with Frida Leider and Kirsten Flagstad became legendary.
Price: Sek. 165
Name: Danish Partsongs


Schultz, Svend S. Gensyn med Damnark
The Danish Radio Choir - Per Enevold, dirigent
Anne Øland, piano
Finn de Roepstorff, piano
Hedwig Rummel, alto
Karl-Gustav Andersson, tenor
Elisabeth Rehling, sopran
Schultz, Svend S. De vilde blomster
Schultz, Svend S. Nattergalen
Schultz, Svend S. Sidste sang
Lewkovitch, Bernhard Madrigaler - Tidligt forår
Op. 12    
Lewkovitch, Bernhard Madrigaler - Skovsol
Op. 12    
Lewkovitch, Bernhard Madrigaler - Ud af en vinter
Op. 12    
Lewkovitch, Bernhard Madrigaler - Väre-digtet
Op. 12    
Lewkovitch, Bernhard Madrigaler - Til en følsom veninde
Op. 12    
Gade, Niels Wilhelm Aarstidsbilleder
Op. 51    
Langgaard, Rued 3 Rosengaardsviser
The Danish Radio Choir - Per Enevold, dirigent
Anne Øland, piano
Heise, Peter Forår og sommer

Toccata, April 2010 Webmaster