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Disc No: CDLX 7256
Price: Sek. 250 (2CD)
Name: Rutland Boughton
 The Queen of Cornwall

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Boughton, Rutland The Queen of Cornwall - A music-drama based on the play by Thomas Hardy
New London Orchestra - Ronald Corp
Members of The London Chorus
Watchman - Philip Tebb
Brangwain - Patricia Orr
King Mark - Neal Davies
Queen Iseult - Heather Shipp
Sir Andret - Peter Wilman
Sir Tristram - Jacques Imbrailo
Iseult of Brittany - Joan Rodgers CBE
Damsel - Elizabeth Weisberg
Boughton, Rutland Chorus of Shades of Dead Old Cornish Men and Women
Boughton, Rutland Where is the Queen?
Boughton, Rutland No foot, I swear, set I in Brittany
Boughton, Rutland Why did Heav’n warrant in its whim?
Boughton, Rutland How little he knows
Boughton, Rutland I dream that the dearest I ever knew had died
Boughton, Rutland Could he but live for me a day
Boughton, Rutland Maybe indeed he did not die
Boughton, Rutland When I set out for Lyonesse
Boughton, Rutland O, the opal and the sapphire
Boughton, Rutland Let’s meet again tonight, my fair
Boughton, Rutland Prelude 2Act
Boughton, Rutland A ship sheers round, and brings up in the bay
Boughton, Rutland I saw them coming down to learn my errand
Boughton, Rutland So, after all, am I to share you
Boughton, Rutland If it’s ever spring again
Boughton, Rutland Yea, love, true is it sadness suits me best
Boughton, Rutland O murderer
Boughton, Rutland No sight nor sound of her
Boughton, Rutland Indulge no more may we in that sweet bitter pastime
Boughton, Rutland Chorus of Shades of Dead Old Cornish Men and Women

Toccata, November 2010 Webmaster