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Disc No: CDLX 7307 Following the success of Dutton Epoch’s first two volumes of John Foulds’ melodious lighter fare, this third traversal of a forgotten but agreeably tuneful repertoire reveals even more delights. The ten works presented here in fact fall into some 18 separate movements.
Price: Sek. 165
Name: John Foulds - Volume 3

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Foulds, John Undine: Suite d’Orchestre
Cynthia Fleming, violin solo
BBC Concert Orchestra - Ronald Corp
Foulds, John Kashmiri Boat Song
Foulds, John Chinese Suite
Foulds, John A Gaelic Dream-Song
Foulds, John Basque Serenade
Foulds, John Kashmiri Wedding Procession
Foulds, John Miniature Suite
Foulds, John Scène Picaresque (Spanish Serenade)
Foulds, John Gipsy Czárdás (Tzigeuner) (by “Karl Kotschka” pseud.)
Foulds, John Kashmiri Boat Song on Jhelum River

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