Dynamic Records
Disc No: IDIS 6409
Price: Sek. 50 Studio recordings, 1930-1950
Following the success of our first volume of historical Paganinian recordings (IDIS 291), here is a new, rich anthology of recordings of the great Genoese composer's works, made by some of the most renowned violinists of the 1900s. This exceptional document shows how the interpretation of the works of this musician - who, more than anyone else, influenced the history of his instrument - has evolved in time. A rare CD, which cannot miss in the record library of the lovers of violin music.
Name: Paganini, a homage

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ComposerOpusMusicKey Performer
Paganini   Piano works   Yehudy Menhuin
Jascha Heifetz
Ruggiero Ricci
Ferenc von Vecsey
Fritz Kreisler
Zino Francescatti

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