Fuga Libera      
Disc No: FUG540
Price: Sek. 78       Fuga Libera on sale
The Flemish ensemble Het Collectief received much praise and many awards for their two first recordings with Fuga Libera (FUG504/Schönberg and FUG601/Bach)<. Now they’re back with a truly fascinating programme: Messiaen’s Quatuor pour la Fin du Temps, in time for the celebration of the composer’s 100th anniversary, incidentally one of their recurring concert performances and a recent work by the foremost contemporary Malaysian composer Kee-Yong Chong.
Name: Messiaen - Quatuor
  pour la fin du Temps

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ComposerOpusMusicKey Performer
Messiaen, Olivier (1908-1992) 1941 Quatuor pour la fin du Temps pour violon, clarinette, violoncelle et piano   Het Collectief
Chong, Kee-Yong (1971-*) 2002 Mourning the Murder of an Old Banyan Tree for flute (also piccolo, alto flute, thai-gong & tam-tam), clarinet (also bass clarinet), violin, cello and piano  

Toccata, December 2007 Webmaster