
The Symphony in C major is an impressive début, of imposing proportions, so that with all repeats observed it takes around 40 minutes to perform. It is clear that Lindblad was inspired by models from the Viennese school of Classicism. One recognises the Mozart of Mozart's last symphonies, on occasions in almost literally borrowed motifs and phrases. Here and there one is reminded of Haydn and more often of the early symphonies of Beethoven. The movements are well-crafted in form and thematic material.

Disc No: 8.554143
Price: Sek. 95
Name: Lindblad
Symphony No.1 & 2
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ComposerOpusMusicKey Performer
Lindblad, Adolf Fredrik   Symphony No.1   Uppsala Chamber Orchestra - Gérard Korsten
Lindblad, Adolf Fredrik   Symphony No.2  

Naxos Index

Toccata Apr-2000