Naxos essentials

Carl Nielsen was the most important Danish composer born in the 19th century, his series of six symphonies forming part of the standard orchestral repertoire. Coming from poor parents, and a largely self-taught composer, his early years were spent as an orchestral violinist.

He was to write three concertos at the peak of his career, one concerto each for violin, flute and clarinet. They display his quite unique musical style, the lyrical and tender feelings often disrupted by vociferous and dramatic outbursts, a rather brusque humour frequently coming to the surface.
Disc No: 8.554189
Price: Sek. 49
Name: Carl Nielsen - Concertos


ComposerOpusMusicKey Performer
Nielsen, Carl   Flute Concerto (1926)   Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra - Kees Bakels
Gareth Davies, Flute
Nielsen, Carl Op. 33 Violin Concerto   Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra - Kees Bakels
Jonathan Carney, Violin
Nielsen, Carl Op. 57 Clarinet Concerto   Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra - Kees Bakels
Kevin Banks, Clarinets

Naxos Index

Toccata Jul-2000