
Olivier Messiaen was appointed organist of La Trinité in Paris at the age of 22, a post he was to hold for the next 40 years. Though his first major compositions came much later in his life, he became the most influential French composer in the second half of the 20th century. The Turangalila Symphony, one of the great orchestral showpieces, dates from 1948 and is a tone poem of joy and love. Divided into ten sections, it calls for a very large orchestra, including a role for solo piano and ondes martenot. The orchestral work preceding this was completed in 1933, and was a devoutly religious score. As the title would suggest, L'Ascension deals with Christ's ascension from mortal life, and has become better known in the composer's later arrangement for organ.
Disc No: 8.554478-79
Price: Sek. 148 (2CD)
Name: Messiaen
Turangalīla Symphony


ComposerOpusMusicKey Performer
Olivier Messiaen   Turangalīla Symphony   Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra - Antoni Wit
Franēois Weigel, Piano
Thomas Bloch, Ondes Martenot
Olivier Messiaen   L'ascension  

Naxos Index

Toccata Apr-2000