
Born in Cadiz in 1876, Manuel de Falla, became the first internationally famous composer produced by Spain in three centuries. His output was concise and concentrated on colourful stage works, the ballets, El sombrero de tres picos (The Three Cornered Hat), and El amor brujo (Love the magician), securing a place both in the theatre and orchestral repertoire.

Falla perfectly captured the essence of Spanish traditional music, though he rarely used folk material, preferring to originate new music that could be identified with the essence of Spanish life. His most popular vocal work, Siete canciones populares espaņolas (Seven Popular Spanish Songs), creates a musical picture of the sultry warmth and vivacity of his vibrant native country.
Disc No: 8.554498
Price: Sek. 74
Name: Manuel De Falla
Songs And Piano Music


ComposerOpusMusicKey Performer
Falla, Manuel de   Songs and Piano Music   Merlyn Quaife, soprano
Len Vorster, piano
Anthony Field, guitar
Ben Dickinson, percussion

Naxos Index

Toccata Jul-2000