
The poetic horizon of Franz Schubert and his songs is reflected again in the poems of his circle of friends. Altogether Schubert set even more poems by his friends than he did those of Goethe or Schiller, by far the most distinguished poets. More than two thirds of these texts come from his closest friends, Johann Mayrhofer and Franz von Schober. While Mayrhofer, with about fifty settings, comes in third place after the two great classical German poets, Schober, with eighteen compositions, thirteen of them songs, stands on a par with Friedrich Schlegel, the leader of the German romantics. These quantitative comparisons are evidence of the essential quality of Schubert’s poetic creed: the songs on texts by his friends combine the idealistic feeling of the classical with the Utopian longing of the romantic. The echo of a ‘better world’ (besseren Welt) resounds particularly in Schober’s poems, yet under conditions of pessimism. The poetry of Schubert’s circle was not only under the influence of classical-romantic cultural inspiration, but showed in particular the symptoms of world-weariness spreading throughout Europe about 1820
Disc No: 8.554799
Price: Sek. 74
Name: Schubert
Lieder Friends Vol.1


ComposerOpusMusicKey Performer
Schubert, Franz D761 Schatzgrabers Begehr   Markus Eiche, baritone
Jens Fuhr, piano
Schubert, Franz D909 Jagers Liebeslied  
Schubert, Franz D143 Genugsamkeit  
Schubert, Franz D565 Der Strom  
Schubert, Franz D218 Grablied  
Schubert, Franz D209 Der Liedler  
Schubert, Franz D134 Ballade (Ein Fraulein schaut vom hohen Turm)  
Schubert, Franz D906 Der Vater mit dem Kind  
Schubert, Franz D545 Der Jungling und der Tod (2nd version)  
Schubert, Franz D551 Pax Vobiscum  
Schubert, Franz D910 Schiffers Scheidelied  
Schubert, Franz D789 Pilgerweise  
Schubert, Franz D361 Am Bach im Fruhling  
Schubert, Franz D547 An die Musik  
Schubert, Franz D737 An die Leier  
Schubert, Franz D785 Der zurnende Barde  

Naxos Index

Toccata Sept 2002