Oehms Classics      
Disc No: OC555

Oehms on sale
There are few recordings of Dvorák’s entire symphonic repertoire, but among them, the production of the Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra conducted by Ivan Anguélov plays a central role (OehmsClassics OC 376). “The Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, playing under Bulgarian conductor Ivan Anguélov, performs with youthful verve and offers a fresh, spontaneous, differentiated interpretation. (…) very slender (…), all massiveness is avoided…” writes Fono Forum (July 2005). The most well known of Dvor?ák’s symphonies, Symphony No. 9 in E minor “From the New World” as well as the colorful and captivating “Bohemian Suite, op. 39” are now available on a single CD.
Price: Sek. 70
Name: Dvorák
 Symphony No. 9

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ComposerOpusMusicKey Performer
Dvorák, Antonín Op.95 Symphony No. 9 'From the New World' E minor Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra - Ivan Anguélov,
Dvorák, Antonín Op.39 Bohemian Suite D minor

Toccata, April 2006 Webmaster