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The fairytale opera by Laci Boldemann had its premiere on New Years day 1965 and are staged in the orient in the beginning of the Christian era, about the time when three wise men were seaching for a star. The opera were to stay on the repertiore for three years and is a family opera. This was a odd phenomenon on the Swedish opera stage and brings to mind Humperdinck' s Hänsel und Gretel
Disc No: CDO 1111/12-2
Price: Sek. 320 (2CD)
Name: Svart är vitt - sa Kejsaren


ComposerOpusMusicKey Performer
Boldemann, Laci (1921-1969) Svart är vitt - sa Kejsaren Emperor - Sven Nilsson, bass / The Boy - Gunilla Slättegård, soprano / The Princess - Laila Andersson, soprano / The Prince - Tord Slättegård, tenor / The doctor - Conny Söderstrom, tenor / The fool - Paul Höglund, baritone / The runner - Sven Erik Vikström, tenor / Security Guard - Sven-Erik Jacobsson, bas / Printer - Gunnar Drago, tenor / Hovkapellet - Operakören, Operabaletten - Per Åke Andersson / Josef Grünfarb, violin solo / Karl-Erik Welin, organ / Electric music - Karl-Otto Valentin

Toccata, April 2017 Webmaster