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First release on CD

'My music is in an odd situation: wherever it is heard, it touches deeply; but it is seldom given the chance…'
These bitter words were written in 1932, three years before his death, by the German composer Richard Wetz. Wetz's name has fallen into oblivion; even specialists are no longer familiare with his life and woks. Tha main reason for this is to be seen in the artistic revolution of the turn of the century, which manifested itself in many formal and stylistic directions: from impressionism to neoclassicism and up to the various forms of atonality. Whoever continued to compose in the traditional manner was considered oldfashioned, un-modern, irrelevant. The victims of this development were the Post-Romantics such as Hans Pfitzner and Richard Wetz.
Disc No: CDS-1041-2
Price: Sek. 185
Name: Deutsches Romatiker
Richard Wetz


ComposerOpusMusicKey Performer
Richard Wetz Op.48 Symphony No.3 B flat major Symphonisches Orchester Berlin - Erich Peter

Toccata, 2002 Webmaster