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In 1899 the Mexican government awarded a grant to the young musician, Julian Carrillo then aged 24, to continue his studies in Europe. In Leipzig he entered the Royal Conservatoire where he studied composition with Salomon Jadassohn, violin with Hans Becker and theory with Carl Reinecke, who also taught another great Mexican composer: Ricardo Castro
Disc No: CDS 1107-2
Price: Sek. 185
Name: Julian Carrillo Orchestral Works


ComposerOpusMusicKey Performer
Carrillo, Julian (1875-1965)   Primera Sinfonia en Re Mayor San Luis Potosí Symphony Orchestra - José Miramontes Zapata
Carrillo, Julian Op. 2 Tema con Variaciones para Orquesta
Carrillo, Julian Op. 1 Primera Suite para Orquesta

Toccata, Aug 2017 Webmaster