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This is our first Hungarian Romantic CD. Julius Beliczay is a truly sensational but forgotten composer who completely mastered the symphonic art. Much influenced by Robert Schumann and some believe his orchestrations are even better. We know numerous excellent composers who began their careers as an officer, official or doctor. However, it is quite rare that someone, in this case Beliczay, performed excellently in both civil duties and in music.
Disc No: CDS 1115-2
Price: Sek. 185
Name: Julius Beliczay: Orchestral Works


ComposerOpusMusicKey Performer
Beliczay, Julius (1835-1893) Op. 45 Symphony No. 1 D Minor Budapest Concert Orchestra MaV - Tam s G l
Beliczay, Julius Op. 36 Serenade D Minor

Toccata, Dec 2017 Webmaster