There are two ages between the lives and work of Johann Sebastian Bach and Eugène Ysaÿe. Two ages of difference and of similarities. Bach emerged as a phenomenal composer, a genius, in the first half of the 18th Century. He left an enormous repertoire. Ysaÿe was to be a famous violinist in the beginning of the 20th Century. He also composed, but produced not as much as his illustrious predecessor
Disc No:CC 72351
Price: Sek. 150 (SACD)
Name: Liza Ferschtman
 violin solo

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Bach, Johann Sebastian Sonate no.1
BWV 1001     g minor
Liza Ferschtman, violin solo
Bach, Johann Sebastian Partita no. 3
BWV 1006     E major
Ysaÿe, Eugène Sonate no. 1
op. 27 no. 1      
Ysaÿe, Eugène Sonate no. 2
op. 27 no. 2      

Toccata, April 2010 Webmaster