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Disc No: CYP4618 Style, mastery, personality : Jacques Leduc, aside of the vanguard, has composed a strong work, full of color (as already shown by a Cypres CD by Pierre Bartholomée and the Liege Philharmonic Orchestra published in 1997), where the piano holds an important place. Rhythmic fantasy, counterpoint with thousands facets, etc: many aspects of a wit, which let some delightful remembrances (from Scarlatti to Roussel) also irrigating his compositions. The guide for this tour is Olivier De Spiegeleir, a familiar of both the composer and Cypres (cf. his authoritative performance of Diabelli Variations), who transcends the huge technical snares of some of the scores to let us enjoy their natural inspiration. A work for harp, by Francette Bartholomée (for whom it was written), and a duo performed by two brilliant graduates of the Chapelle Musicale Reine Elisabeth (leaded since the 70’s by Jacques Leduc) are completing this generous double CD.
Price: Sek. 240 (2CD)
Name: Leduc - Oeuvres piano

Leduc, Jacques Integral Works for piano, two pianos & diatonic harp
Francette Bartholomée, harp
Olivier De Spiegeleir, piano
Duo Dürruoglu-Demiriz/Martens, two pianos

Toccata, January 2004 Webmaster